STS 1 (Science, Technology and Society) - 

AMAT 115 (Introduction to Mathematical Decision Theory)

AMAT 152 (Fundamentals of Mathematical Computing)

AMAT 167 (Mathematical Models in Operations Research I)

AMAT 180 (Introduction to Biomathematics) - offered at UP Cebu

AMAT 191 (Special Topics: Fundamentals of Mathematical Data Science; Applied Mathematical Research)

AMAT 198 (Practicum)

MATH 10 (Math, Culture and Society) - General Education

MATH 11 (College Algebra) - Lecture and Recitation

MATH 14 (Plane Trigonometry) - Recitation

MATH 17 (College Algebra and Plane Trigonometry) - Lecture and Recitation

MATH 26 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry I) - Recitation

MATH 27 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry II) - Recitation

MATH 28 (Calculus and Analytic Geometry III) - Recitation

MATH 36 (Mathematical Analysis I) - Lecture and Recitation

MATH 37 (Mathematical Analysis II) - Recitation

MATH 38 (Mathematical Analysis III) - Lecture

MATH 174 (Numerical Analysis I) - Lecture and Laboratory

MATH 175 (Numerical Analysis II) - Lecture and Laboratory

MATH 181 (Introduction to Probability Theory)

MATH 182 (Introduction to Stochastic Processes)

MATH 190 and AMAT 190 Special Problem Advising and Co-advising

MATH 191 (Special Topics: Dynamical Systems)

MATH 195 (Research Methods in Mathematics)

AMAT 255 (Mathematical Data Science) - 

AMAT 280 (Biomathematics)

MATH 291 (Special Topics: Network Science; Optimization)

MATH 299 (Graduate Seminar)

MATH 300 (Master's Thesis)

AMAT 310 (Dynamic Systems Modeling)

AMAT 350 (Advanced Numerical Analysis)

AMAT 391 (Special Topics: Metaverse in Applied Mathematics Education)

AMAT 400 (PhD Dissertation)

DATA 399 (Graduate Seminar)

DATA 400 (PhD Dissertation)

MATH 299B (Graduate Seminar in Geometry for PhD in Education) --- UPOU

SUS 302 (Complex Sustainable Systems) --- UPOU